Do What You LOVE: Creating a Thriving and Fulfilling Work
November 21, 2020, 10:00 PM – 11:30 PM EST
Hosted by NUAC (The National Unification Advisory Council)
True fulfillment at work is possible only when what we do is aligned with who we are.
How can we engage in a thriving and fulfilling work doing what we love?
This workshop is designed to help you identify your core values and get clarity on your goals so you can make positive progress in your work and life. You will learn the framework that has been proven to be effective in transforming careers and lives of many professionals, and their contribution to the community.
Celina started her career as an investment banker at Merrill Lynch and worked as a corporate lawyer at a law firm, Ropes & Gray LLP in NYC. She found her calling as a career & executive coach, and helps many professionals to find fulfillment in their careers and do meaningful work. Celina has founded Give One Dream, a global movement that inspires people to pursue and achieve their dreams. She is also an award-winning writer and podcast host of Live Your Dream with Celina Lee, which has listeners from over 100 countries around the world. Celina received her undergraduate degree from MIT and law degree from U.C. Berkeley School of Law.
Celina Lee는 MIT 학부 졸업 후 금융 업계에서 일하다가 U.C. Berkeley 법대를 졸업했으며, 그 이후 수년간 뉴욕에서 변호사로 활동했다. 세계적 성공을 거둔 한인 아홉 명을 직접 취재하여 그들의 꿈과 열정의 이야기를 담은 책, 『꿈을 이뤄드립니다』 출간했다. 사람들의 꿈을 서로 응원하고 발견하도록 돕는 커뮤니티인 Give One Dream 커뮤니티를 창립하였으며, 현재는 Career Coaching 전문가로서 클라이언트들이 직업적인 행복과 의미를 찾을 수 있도록 돕고 있다. 운영 중인 팟캐스트 ‘Live Your Dream with Celina Lee’는 전 세계 백여 개국이 넘는 나라에 수많은 청취자들이 있다.
Want to come but can’t make the date? Check out this free resource I have created, 3 Steps to Finding True Career Fulfillment. You will also be able to find out when I have the next workshop!
Download the 3 Steps to True Career Fulfillment Here
There comes a time in your career when you question your professional happiness and fulfillment. This can be a defining moment if you take the time to ask yourself important questions and take action towards career that brings you joy.
If you are feeling stuck and don’t know what to do next, you are not alone. With the right guidance and a little momentum, you can be happy and fulfilled personally and professionally. If you’re looking for clarity and next steps, check out this guide, the 3 Steps to Finding True Career Fulfillment.
I use a 3-part framework to help you take the next step towards doing work you love and believe in. Get your copy here.