“What should I do with my life?”
“I thought I would have figured it out by now.” This thought may have crossed your mind.
When you were growing up, you may have been told this story.
“Study hard and get into a good school. Work hard and get a good job. Then you will end up being happy and successful.”
Sound familiar? Perhaps you’ve heard this from your parents, family, friends, or society.
So you listened. You worked hard to get into the best school you could, and to get the job you have now… but now you feel stuck.
Your life is on autopilot. You feel exhausted and overwhelmed, and have Sunday night blues.
You are lost and frustrated, but don’t know what to do next.
“I’ve worked so hard in my life… how is it that I feel so stuck right now? I’ve done everything I thought I was supposed to do… but how come I’m unhappy and feel unfulfilled? Is this really all there is?”
You think about how your life is so different from what you thought it would look like at this age.
You are anxious about the uncertain future, and burdened by the feelings of disappointment and regret.
You know something has to change, but don’t even know what to do or how to begin.
You have some ideas about what you might want to do, but you are afraid of failing, not making enough money, and worried about what your parents, friends and other people will think about you.
So you talk yourself out of it and you don’t take any action… and you stay stuck.
If this is you, you are not alone.
Now imagine this.
You wake up everyday excited to start your day.
You are doing work that you love and believe is meaningful. You share your gifts and talents with the world, and feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment in your life.
You know what you want, and can confidently take action towards achieving your goals. You don’t let self-doubt or fear of failure talk you out of doing the things you want to do.
You are resilient. You see rejections or failures as just the evidence that you are trying, and getting one step closer to your goals and dreams.
You don’t beat yourself up for not being where you thought you should be in your life by now.
Other people’s opinions no longer stand in the way of living the life you want.
You are happy, confident, and proud of who you are, and who you are becoming.
You are excited about your future.
Is this possible? Yes!
I have walked this journey myself, and have coached many people into careers they love, and helped them to live a life with joy, purpose, and fulfillment.
True Fulfillment in a Career is possible only when what we do is aligned with who we are.
How many people do you know who really, truly love what they do?
You can probably count them in one hand.
Why is it that so many hard-working people are unhappy, feel stuck, and don’t know what to do next?
Because we never learned how to figure out our career.
Think about how many hours, months, and years you spent learning subjects in school like math, science, history… that you probably don’t even remember anymore. And how about all the years spent learning about your job and doing your job?
But yet, we NEVER learned in school or from family how to figure out our life and career.
If you are lost, confused, and don’t know what to do, it’s not your fault. It’s because you never learned it… But it’s not too late. You can learn it now.
In Career Happiness Academy, you will learn how to create a thriving and fulfilling career doing what you love.
You will be guided through an inspirational journey of transforming your career and life through the LOVE framework that I have developed. This framework has been proven effective in transforming careers and lives of many professionals.
Learn About Yourself
Gaining self-awareness and knowing our values are the first step towards doing work that is aligned with who we are.
Overcome Internal Obstacles
Many of us stand in our own way of living the life we want, because fear stops us from taking action. It is crucial to overcome internal struggles, learn how to reframe failure and rejection, and be able to manage negative inner-voice.
Visualize Your Success
Visualizing ourselves having achieved our dream will help us to stay motivated, focused, and lead us to take actions to make our dream a reality.
Explore & Take Action
It’s only through action that our lives will change. We need to learn how to create a career vision that is aligned with our values, and then take steps and actions towards the career that gives us joy and meaning.
What you will learn and gain in Career Happiness Academy
- Gain self-awareness by learning about yourself and your values.
- Identify your unique strengths and create an action plan for how you’ll utilize them in your career and life.
- Gain clarity about your goals and how to take action to achieve them.
- Learn how to reframe rejections and failures as the evidence that you are trying and challenging yourself, and getting one step closer to your goal and dream.
- Learn how to not let fear of failure prevent you from moving forward.
- Learn how to change the way you see yourself, talk to yourself and build a positive relationship with yourself.
- Understand what is holding you back and how to overcome self-doubt.
- Learn the difference between what you want and what others (such as parents and family) want for you, and gain the courage to move forward in a direction that is right for you.
- Learn how to master networking and build meaningful relationships to achieve success in career and life.
- Learn how to prepare for your next career move (and understand why you should be working on your career when you are not looking for your next job)
- Learn how to not be defined by your credentials or achievements, and understand and gain self-worth.
- Learn how to stop procrastinating and take action, so you can finally make that career transition, start a side project, write a book, launch your business, or anything else you are dreaming about!
The benefit of the group program is that you will be part of an inspiring community of successful people who are going through a journey of transforming their careers and lives.
The group dynamic will offer mutual support, accountability, and a space to share ideas and challenges. And you will be able to build relationship that can extend beyond the class.
Career Happiness Academy is a small group coaching program. I will be inviting a small number of highly motivated people to participate in a 12-week inspirational journey to transform their career and life.
What is included in the program?
- 12 weekly live lectures and group coaching calls for 2 hours on Google Meet or Zoom
- Private Facebook or Slack Group with ongoing support
- Accountability partners
- LOVE Daily Reflections
- Handouts with assignments
By participating in this group coaching program, you will be added to my VIP list and will be the first to know about my future talks, programs and courses, entitling you to exclusive discounts and bonus coaching sessions.
Wondering how my coaching can help you? Read what my clients have said about their experiences of working with me.
Are you interested in taking the action to transform your career and life?
Interested? Please fill out a short questionnaire and ask me any questions!
Or you can book a 60 minute 1:1 complimentary coaching session to learn more about the program.
You’ll have a chance to ask any questions you may have.
I will be inviting a small number of highly motivated people who are ready to make profound changes in their careers and lives to join in my group coaching program.
Who am I and why did I create this program?
Hi! I’m Celina. I’m a career and executive coach, and host of the podcast, Live Your Dream with Celina Lee. My mission in life is to help people pursue their dreams and live a life doing what they love.
Like you, I’ve had my fair share of transitions and struggles in my own career. I started my career as an investment banker and then worked as a corporate lawyer at a big law firm in NYC.
I learned the hard way the importance of doing work that is meaningful to me.
All throughout my life, I worked very hard to get to where I thought I had wanted to be which was to work at a big law firm in NYC.
When I finally achieved that goal after many years of very hard work, however, I felt like I won the race, but I was in the wrong race.
Because I didn’t know what it is that I wanted, I listened to the voices of other people around me, like parents, friends, and society, and walked the path of “success” that others had defined for me.
It was hard to believe that after years of working so hard, my life felt so empty… How is it that I did everything I was supposed to do, and my life felt so wrong?
It’s ironic that I started thinking about what it is that I really want to do with my life after I was done getting all the degrees and jobs.
In my desperate attempt to find what it is that I really want to do, I started following my curiosities and started pursuing interests that I thought I were fun and meaningful, even though they had nothing to do with my job.
I pursued and achieved my childhood dream of writing and publishing a book even though many people including my mom said my dream was impossible and that I was crazy. I interviewed and wrote about people who pursued their dreams in my book, and dedicated the last chapter of my book for the readers to write their own dreams in it.
I was surprised to receive so many dreams from my readers and I wanted to help them. I started my community, Give One Dream, and it has now grown into a global movement and inspires many people around the world to achieve their dreams.
I launched my podcast where I share stories of people who had the courage to pursue their dreams, and lessons learned from my own journey.
All my life experiences led me to my current work, which I believe is my calling. I now work as a career and executive coach and help others to find fulfillment in their careers and do meaningful work.
I have coached, led workshops, delivered keynote speeches, and given talks in front of thousands of people about how to pursue their dreams and create a thriving and fulfilling career doing what they love.
I have been invited to speak at many conferences, organizations, and universities such as TEDx, MIT, Stanford University, Princeton University, Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) International Conference: Making Things Happen, and the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA), and many others.
I have learned from some of the most successful people in diverse industries through writing my book, hosting talk shows and radio shows, and interviewing them on my podcast, which has listeners from over 100 countries around the world.
Through all these experiences, I have discovered the commonalities of the successful people, and the difference between people who achieve incredible amount of success and those who don’t.
I also learned why so many people are stuck and unhappy in their careers and life, and how to help them get out of their own way to move forward in their lives. This led me to develop the LOVE framework.
I have taken the most important lessons I’ve learned in my journey and designed a powerful coaching program that profoundly changes the way many people live and work.
If you are interested in learning more about my background, you can read about my bio here.
Are you interested in taking the action to transform your career and life?
Please fill out a short questionnaire and ask me any questions!
Or you can book a 30 minute 1:1 complimentary coaching session to learn more about the program.
When will the program start?
The program will start during the fall of 2022. The exact date and time for the weekly sessions will be determined at a later time.
Who is this program for?
You are ready for a big change in your career and life, and are willing and committed to do the work. You want to make a career transition, or finally start working on that side project or working towards your personal goal or lifelong dream. You are tired of being stuck and having the feeling of not knowing what to do next. You are prepared to do the hard work of profoundly changing your career and life, so you can live a life with purpose, joy and courage.
What is the investment to transform your career and life?
Please email Celina to ask about pricing- celina@giveonedream.com
“As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.”
– Rumi
So many people are stuck because they overthink and underact.
Change is hard. It’s really hard to do it alone.
Transforming your career and life takes deliberate and consistent effort, but it is well worth it. How amazing would it be if you could wake up everyday excited to do the work you love?
I can help you navigate this journey because I have been through it and figured it out the hard way. I have created this program that I wish I had myself years ago when I was lost and did not know who to ask for help or guidance. It would have saved me so much time and freed me from confusion and anxiety.
“By doing what you love, you awaken and inspire the hearts of others.”
We all have gifts and talents that we can share with the world. How wonderful would it be to do work everyday that makes you feel like you are wearing comfortable clothes that fits you perfectly well?
“Coaching is about connecting with people, inspiring them to do their best, and helping them to grow.”
– Harvard Business Review
1. Why do I need coaching?
Listen to Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt talk about why everyone needs a coach, and you do too.
2. How come you are making it a small group program?
I want to really get to know you, learn about your goals and challenges, and hold your hand to make the transformation in your career and life, so you can share your gifts and talents with the world. I decided to make it a small group so I will be able to spend enough time with each of you and give you all the support you need. This will be an intimate and exclusive experience, and life transforming at the same time if you are committed to do all the work.
3. Can I join even if I don’t live in the U.S.?
Yes! Everything will be online on Google Meet or Zoom, so you can participate regardless of where you are located.
4. Are these pre-recorded lectures and coaching, or are they live?
They are 100% live! I will be showing up live every week to talk about each lesson, and to coach you, support you, and answer any questions you may have.
5. When does the program start?
The program will start during the fall of 2022. The exact date and time for the weekly sessions will be determined at a later time.
6. When is the day and time of the weekly live session?
The program will start during the fall of 2022. The exact date and time for the weekly sessions will be determined at a later time.
7. What if I miss a session?
You are highly encouraged to show up for each session but I understand sometimes that is not possible. All sessions will be recorded and will be available for you to view at a time that is convenient for you.
8. I’m more interested in one-on-one coaching than group coaching. How can I learn more information about that?
You can book a 30 minute 1:1 complimentary coaching session to learn more.
You can also mail me at celina@giveonedream.com with any any questions.
9. When do I have to sign up by?
Please fill out this short questionnaire and you will be the first to be notified when enrollment opens for the next program.
10. I have more questions. How do I contact Celina?
Please feel out this short questionnaire. Filling out the questionnaire does not mean you are signing up for the program. If you are curious, have questions, and want to learn more about the program, please fill out the form.
I’ll reach out to you after about the next step. You’ll have a chance to ask any questions you may have.
Invitations to join the program will be sent on a rolling basis, so the earlier you fill out the form, the higher chance you will have in being invited to join the program.
If you have any questions, please email celina@giveonedream.com
11. I’m nervous about spending the money. How do I know if this will be a good investment?
What would be the value if you could do the work you love and believe is meaningful? How much would you pay if you could learn to become resilient and not let fear of rejections prevent you from going after your goals and dreams? What would be the value if you could figure out what you want, and be able to wake up everyday excited to do the work you love?
You are making an investment for your future. This program is a 12-week powerful experience designed to transform your career and life. You will learn about yourself, gain clarity about what you want, and uncover what is holding you back. You will also develop a mindset that will help you to move forward in a direction that is right for you, so you can finally take action and achieve what you have always wanted.
If you do all the work, it will be a life changing experience for you. If you want to know how my coaching has changed the lives of people I’ve worked with, please read the testimonials below!
Interested? Fill out the short questionnaire.
Or you can book a 30 minute 1:1 complimentary coaching session to learn more about the program.
“When I first heard Celina speak at an event, I had been struggling to make a change in career for a while. I knew I wasn’t happy but wasn’t sure what my next step should be or how to get there. More importantly, I had really lost my confidence, my sense of purpose and zeal.
A lot of the reasons why I wanted to leave my current job and industry were weighing me down so much that I felt like I had sunk into a hole. But listening to Celina talk about her experiences gave me a powerful sense of hope. It was also clear that she’s uniquely capable of offering insightful guidance since she’s been there and her sincerity emphasized how passionate she is about helping others.
I walked away from our first meeting feeling incredibly relieved that I was no longer trying to do this on my own. I felt like I had someone in my corner when it came to my career and that alone made a world of difference.
Each week, I continued to feel a noticeable difference. Celina helped me to unscramble all the negativity, including that which I was putting on myself, and treat these things as lessons that helped me realize the new direction I wanted. She helped me tap into a part of myself that had gotten lost or squashed out and I finally started to believe my own potential again. And to put fear aside and take action! Celina held me accountable to stick to the actions I had set for the week, gently reminding me that I’ll never be able to achieve my dreams or goals by just talking or thinking about it.
It’s hard to believe just how much I’ve gained and rediscovered about myself as a result of Celina’s coaching. Her guidance has extended beyond this particular career shift but to adopting a new approach on how I live every day and I’ll be forever grateful to her for that. It truly feels like there’s no adequate way to describe just what a difference Celina has made in my life. Thank you!!” – Mary M.
“Celina was born to coach. She is compassionate, warm, humble and quite talented. I was at a transitional intersection of both my career and my life and Celina helped me thru. I had been in a legal career for quite some time and was looking for a way to transition to something different. Celina helped me find my way.
First, she encouraged me to identify what my interests were and then she guided me to formulate various options that were aligned with them. The last step was pushing me to take action to pursue the options. As it happened, what I ended up doing had little to do with what I initially pursued but rather arose as an opportunity that I uncovered along the way.
Celina’s helpful suggestions, incredible focus and unending encouragement enabled me to successfully transition to another career. Celina’s impact on my life has been unexpectedly dramatic. Her approach to perspective and realizing happiness from within makes every day a better one. I have been very fortunate to have Celina as my coach and would highly recommend her to anyone.” – JDG
“Working with Celina has been one of the best investments I’ve made in my present and future self.
6 months before, I’d decided that I wanted to make a significant career change – from science to more creative pursuits. While I’d taken small steps towards, I felt stuck; lacking the focus and direction on the next steps to take or the accountability to stick to a plan.
A friend who had seen Celina speak encouraged me to look into coaching with her and the rest is history.
Celina helped me in many ways, much of which was related to changing my mindset. Whether that was getting out of a funk when I felt discouraged in my job search or seeing the opportunities while setting realistic expectations about challenges ahead, she spoke from her personal experiences as well as her learnings as a coach in a way that I could understand and apply. I was amazed by the progress I was able to make in just a few short months by putting her advice to practice.
Even post-coaching, I find myself referring to her voice in my head, especially when I come up against situations that I previously would have found daunting.
Celina has a gentle spirit and a warm and enthusiastic nature that would put anyone at ease. It’s clear she truly cares about helping her clients reach their dreams and flourish as individuals. I have already recommended her to my friends and I would encourage you to consider investing in your future and working with her as well.” – Shadia O.
I went into the coaching process knowing I wanted a new career. I had been unsatisfied with my job for quite some time and living through the pandemic clarified my need to switch professions. However I only had some hunches and vague ideas as to where I should focus my efforts. I researched and interviewed multiple career coaches. Celina was easy to talk to, encouraging, action oriented and kept me on task. Little did I know that working with Celina would help me discover my strengths and find a position that has me using them on a daily basis. She helped me switch my mindset from focusing on my perceived shortcomings and made me truly see the gifts that I bring to my career. – Patti S.
I’m so glad and thankful that I met Celina and had her as a coach. Celina is an incredibly warm and friendly person who always exudes positive energy and optimism. I felt immediately comfortable the first time I met her and knew that she would become a terrific coach, guide, and friend. But it’s her ability to sincerely listen, ask thoughtful questions, and help you arrive at meaningful insights that makes her truly special.
Throughout our time together, Celina was very patient and perceptive, and she has a rare gift of truly understanding and sympathizing with your situation and providing actionable insights on how to best handle the tricky problem at hand. I always ended up feeling more relieved and gained more clarity after talking to her. Celina gave me a lot of practical advice to the problems I was encountering professionally and personally. One tangible example of something she taught me that I will keep implementing in my daily life is the rejection challenge. It gives me a framework to be more proactive and assertiveI, and I now feel more comfortable asking for help, which is an essential life skill.
“I first reached out to Celina about the different career paths I was considering. We ended up having much deeper conversations about who I am and what I can really achieve. We tackled and removed a lot of the self-limiting beliefs I had held since childhood. It is very difficult to find someone who truly understands the stresses of a prestigious professional service job. Celina was very helpful given her breadth of experience. Also, she is very fun!” – JZ
“I have been working with Celina remotely over the last year and have already come far on my personal journey with her steadfast guidance.
Her strong dedication to coaching and to the betterment of her clients can be felt on every interaction, even when our calls are often in her late evenings. Celina tailors her sessions and advice to suit her clients’ needs – I never felt anything she was asking me to do was pre-canned nor something she has not or would not try herself.
She had a lot of guidance but was also very kind when I struggled with certain topics or needed to deal with a live, difficult situation. She is very open to share her knowledge and experiences and even helps clients find books and online courses to further their personal development. I can’t say enough good things about my experience working with Celina and know she will be of help to you too!” – Fay F.
“I was so lost in my career and felt so stuck. After having worked in the same industry for so long and doing the job that I hated, I had no idea how I could even begin to think what I can do next, that was different from what I was doing.
Hiring Celina to be my coach has been the most important career decision I have ever made. She helped me to become more aware of who I am, what I want, and helped me to overcome a lot of internal obstacles that was holding me back. As a result, I made a transition into a completely different career and I can honestly say I am happy to be waking up and go to work everyday.
I would not be where I am without Celina’s coaching. Celina has a magical and unique ability to hear you, make you feel understood, and to inspire you to be the best you can be. Her story and background is so inspiring and impressive too. She has shown herself that we can live our dreams and I am so happy I got an opportunity to meet her and become her coaching client.” – Grace K.
“1-on-1 coaching with Celina was, without a doubt, the single most pivotal turning point in my career and in my business.
Celina has a shrewd ability to identify areas of obstacle very quickly and pinpoint their causes. She was fast and extensive with problem-solving and offering options for various operational paths of development.
I felt that her vast range of experience in finance, business, and law really gave her a unique advantage and perspective in constructing solutions on a infrastructural level as well as in logistics.
What impressed and helped me the most, however, was her ability to analyze and resolve problems in my mentality which were hindering me from achieving what I wanted to achieve. The turn-around in my cognition as a result of our sessions became the most important driving force in the changes I made in my career thereafter.
The knowledge I’ve gained from Celina about career development further propelled me to the success I enjoy today. I am immensely grateful to have worked with Celina. She transformed not only my career and business but also led me on a path to becoming the happy woman I am today.” – Annie B.
“All too often we find ourselves hesitant or reluctant towards putting faith in our dreams and aspirations. Unleashing our untapped potential is a remarkable gift Celina is able to reveal from within the recesses of our own thoughts.
It was a pleasure and a rare privilege to encounter a person so capable of giving focus, motivation and ability to create a clear hierarchy of personal priorities. Albeit having engaged only in a few sessions, her inspiration has lingered on and has most certainly made its effect towards a more conscientious career development. I could not recommend such a talented and resourceful person enough!” – Daniel B.
Interested? Fill out the short questionnaire.